
Homemade Pea Pasta Dough, Cooked with Creamy Pea, Mushroom and Sausage Sauce


For the Pea Pasta Dough

  • 225g peas
  • 400g pasta flour (plus extra, if needed)
  • 3 large eggs
  • Pinch of salt
  • Half tbsp olive oil (if needed)

For the Sauce

  • 1 cup peas
  • 6 sausages
  • 4 large chestnut mushrooms
  • 200ml crème fraiche
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 tbsp butter with a drizzle of olive oil


For the Pasta Dough

Boil the peas and once cooled, puree

Pour the flour into a mound on a wooden work surface and make a well in the centre with your fingers

Whisk the eggs in a bowl and pour into the centre of the well

With a fork, gradually incorporate the flour from the outside of the well into the eggs until it is no longer runny.

Add the pureed peas to the mixture along with the salt

Using both hands, swiftly bring the remaining flour over the egg and pea mixture so that it is completely covered

Begin kneading the mixture using your hands until the mixture resembles a smooth dough. Add extra flour and/or olive oil if needed

Continue kneading the dough for about 15-20min and then make into a ball and cover in cling film and rest in the fridge for at least 30min

Remove the dough from the fridge and place on a floured surface and roll it out to make a long, thin layer

Cut the dough into roughly 1cm strips and leave to dry on a kitchen cloth until the water is boiled for the pasta to be cooked

Add the pasta strips to the boiling water with salt and a drizzle of olive oil and cook for 3-5min.

Drain the pasta and leave until the creamy sauce is made

For the Creamy Sauce

Boil the peas and set aside

Dice the shallot and garlic and slice the mushrooms

Heat the oil and butter in a large pan and fry the sausages

Remove the sausages from the pan and set aside

In the remaining oil, fry the shallot and garlic

Add the mushrooms and once cooked add the sausages, peas and crème fraiche

Season with salt and pepper to taste

Serve with the pasta and creamy sauce on top

Recipe by: Sharna Ambanpola, Year 7-8

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