Yes Peas! Blog


21 May, 2024

We all know that eating a healthy and balanced diet plays a pivotal role in our overall health. But what about the benefits to our physical appearances?

Whilst we all have our favourite facial creams and haircare treatments, there’s no denying that beauty comes from within and eating foods packed with nutrients plays a huge role in our physical appearance – after all, you are what you eat!

But did you know there’s one small but mighty vegetable that is often overlooked when it comes to enhancing our physical appearance – frozen peas! Packed with nutrients, these green little wonders are the perfect solution to nurturing radiant skin and luscious locks.

Here at Yes Peas, we’ve teamed up with Skincare Specialist and Beauty Nutritionist, Star Khechara, to reveal the five beauty benefits of the little green vegetables, and why we should all be eating more peas!

  1. Peas are collagen catalysts and elasticity enthusiasts

We all know that collagen is vital for keeping our complexion looking its best, helping reduce the signs of aging. But as we age, our skin tends to lose its natural plumpness, with factors such as stress, sleep deprivation and UV damage contributing to the lack of skin elasticity and loss of collagen. Whilst we can’t turn back the biological clock, by ditching the collagen creams and eating more peas we can protect and improve our skin!

Star Khechara reveals “Peas boast a unique blend of phytochemicals, including genistein and daidzein, which have been shown to slow collagen loss and combat skin ageing. As oestrogen levels decline during this stage, peas offer a natural solution to bolster collagen production, preserving skin firmness and resilience for a youthful complexion.

“Harnessing the power of chlorophyll, peas enhance skin elasticity and diminish facial wrinkles”, Star adds. “This natural anti-ageing agent, coupled with peas’ nutrient-rich composition, contributes to a youthful, luminous complexion.”

  1. Peas can act as a complexion clarifier

We’ve all suffered with blemishes and acne from time to time, and a poor diet can contribute to clogged pores which can leave us breaking out and leave our skin crying out for help. But by incorporating peas into your diet can help to tackle those pesky spots!

According to Star, “Laden with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, peas nurture healthy skin cells while their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties combat skin disorders, unveiling a clearer, radiant complexion”.

  1. Peas can nourish your hair

Peas may be small, but they’re definitely mighty! Just like our skin, our hair can be an outward sign of our overall health, so by eating a healthy and balanced diet that features peas, you can ensure that your hair remains shiny and strong.

Star is an advocate for peas and their hair care benefits: “Peas extend their beauty prowess to hair care, with polyamines like spermine and spermidine promoting hair growth and collagen formation. Biotin, nestled within peas, fortifies hair follicles, preventing breakage and thinning, while supporting overall skin health.”

  1. Peas are a hydration haven

No one wants dry, dull and flaky skin, so increasing your water content can play a huge role in hydrating your skin to create a smooth and radiant tone. And whilst drinking more water can be great, introducing more foods into your diet that have a high-water count like peas can get you glowing in no time!

“Fresh green peas are 75% water, making them an ideal food for skin hydration.” Star adds. “The firmness and elasticity of the skin is dependent upon locking water away, so eating high-water foods is essential for proper skin hydration.”

Thank you to Star for sharing her expertise – be sure to visit her website here to find more beauty tips and tricks. If you’re feeling inspired and want to incorporate more peas into your daily diet to reap the green wonders numerous beauty benefits, simply visit our recipe section on the website to view a huge range of delicious dishes!

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